Work With Me One-on-One!

The VIP Day I spent working with Pilar had a profound, lasting effect on my personal outlook, daily choices, and career trajectory. Six months later, I am still kind of blown away by the impact.
— Maya C.

If you’ve ever wished you could spend a whole day with me, fully focused on YOUR life goals, this is your opportunity!


A Day Just for You

Imagine both of us devoting the span of an entire day to your personal and professional priorities, dreams, and desires.

Imagine us working together, side by side (virtually), to clarify your greatest strengths and growth opportunities — and tackle your most challenging obstacles with new gusto.

That, my friend, is what your VIP Day with me is all about.

Whether you’ve participated in my Refine Your Life (formerly Whole Life Coaching) program, read my book, connected with my work through Experience Life magazine, The Living Experiment podcast, my teaching the Institute for Integrative Nutrition, or the Heroic Coach training platform, perhaps you’ve wondered what it would be like to spend a whole day with me, applying the deep wisdom of those healthy-change resources and perspectives to your own life.

If so, I would love to have you find out — and discover for yourself the potentially life-changing impact of a day designed around your sense of life satisfaction and joy.

The process and tools from my VIP Day have made a huge difference in the way I approach my daily life. I feel clearer and more motivated to make the changes I’ve been wanting to make for a long time — and now I’m actually DOING it.”
— Darrell R.

This is a perfect opportunity if you …

  • Want to begin living in ways that better support your whole-person health and happiness, but aren’t sure where to start or how to build on the work you’ve already done.

  • Could use some help evaluating and deciding on your next clear steps — as well as your longer-range plan.

  • Have been yearning for change, facing an important personal transition or career decision, dealing with one or more health challenges, or are simply in need of a fresh infusion of energy, focus, clarity, and confidence.

  • Are in an executive or leadership role that is calling you to perform at a higher level, navigate uncertainty, or cope with conditions that challenge your current level of available capacity.

  • Have been feeling depleted, scattered, burned out, or otherwise called to significantly alter the way you are living, working, and relating to the world around you.

  • Want to spend a full day with me intently focusing our collective attention on your most pressing desires, needs, challenges, and opportunities.

  • Like the idea of being supported in taking stock of your current life situation — including body-mind health, happiness, work, relationships — and in making some clear decisions that bring your chosen future within reach.

  • Have been doing your personal work for a while, and are feeling ready to move beyond thoughts and theory toward purpose-centered action.

  • Long to move beyond your biggest areas of fear, frustration, self-sabotage, and uncertainty, so you can show up more fully as your best, brightest, most authentic self.

  • Are comfortable spending $2,197 for this full-day exploration and coaching experience with me as your guide, coach, and collaborator (all live coaching sessions, video recordings, tools, resources, customized bonus gifts, and a 1-hour follow-up session included).

Intense Focus, Lasting Impact

During your VIP Day, we will …

  • Meet for a series of three to four progressive coaching sessions (over the course of a single day) designed to help you get clearer about what you want and how to make it a reality.

  • Dig into your current-state conditions — including areas of challenge, opportunity, and desire — using my customized coaching process and proven, science-based, proprietary tool set.

  • Proceed through a series of guided interactive and solo-work sessions during which you will complete exercises for feedback, discussion, and refinement.

You’ll walk away with …

  • An insight-provoking collection of completed self-assessment and planning tools you can return to whenever you need direction and motivation.

  • A clarified short list of your personal values and a documented vision you can continue to evolve over time.

  • An organic goal-and-action planning guide that encourages you to take (and celebrate) meaningful, small-scale actions.

  • A short-term and longer-range action plan reflecting your current needs, desires, goals, and next step priorities.

  • A highly personalized list of suggested experiments and courageous conversations to pursue (if desired) to help you create real breakthroughs and overcome your barriers to change.

  • A doable self-care plan and tools for reclaiming the energy, vitality, and enthusiasm required to begin pursuing your chosen life, starting now.

  • Video replays of all our live sessions.

  • A scheduled 60-minute check-in and follow-up chat (typically two to three weeks later), if desired.

  • Recommendations for ongoing growth and learning geared to your specific goals.

  • A customized set of bonus gifts designed to help you keep moving forward.

The power of doing this work together …

While you could, perhaps, work through some of these exercises on your own (or via one or more of my digital programs), the barriers to carving out the necessary time and focus for such a project can prove daunting.

Organizing it all could take weeks or months. And in many cases (as you’ve probably discovered), doing this type of deep work simply isn’t practical — or even possible — on your own.

That’s the primary reason I developed this VIP Day offering.

After a series of breakthrough one-on-one sessions with members of my Refine Your Life and Healthy Deviant U communities, I realized that there’s just no substitute for that level of intimate, individual focus.

Here are just a few reasons why:

  • Methodically working through a custom-selected set of exercises and coaching sessions in a focused, organized way — all during the course of a single day (with appropriate rest and nourishment breaks) — reliably produces more immediate “ahas” and transformative results.

  • Having me there to guide you, actively listening and offering reflections every step of the way, gives you an opportunity to dig much deeper, and to move both more quickly and confidently.

  • Having a follow-up plan (and an opportunity to check in with me in a couple of weeks on how that plan is going) helps you establish healthy structures, stay on track, and bust through the barriers that have been keeping you stuck.

  • Finally, spending a full day investing in your own health and happiness with me as your dedicated advocate, advisor and coach-collaborator is a LOT OF FUN!

Ready to schedule your VIP Day?

A small number of VIP days are now available for scheduling.

Sound good? Great! Start by submitting a brief (free) application to tell me a little more about your current situation and motivations, and then we can decide if this experience is right for you.* If we decide the VIP Day is a go I’ll send you a link to book your session.

Total cost is $2,197 and payable at the time of booking.

*I reserve the right to decline scheduling requests if my calendar fills, if I do not feel this experience is the right resource for you at this time, or if I do not feel my professional scope of practice is well-aligned with your needs.

Available for the first time — at just the right time.

While self-help books, executive coaching, health coaching, online courses, and therapy can all aid us in creating the life of our choosing, there are moments in each of our lives — pivot points, transitional windows — where a more intensive, immersive exploration of ourselves and our options is what’s called for.

And when we seize those moments with the right support, real magic can happen. I have been the beneficiary of that magic myself, and I love making it happen for other people.

For the past several years, I have successfully done this sort of breakthrough work with individuals in my popular six-week “Refine Your Life or Change It Completely” programs.

I have also offered a limited number of brief, one-on-one “Hot Seat” coaching sessions as part of my yearlong Healthy Deviant U membership experience.

Up until now, those were the only ways to work with me live and get even a small amount of individualized attention.

This past year, though, with so many people facing post-pandemic pivots, career and life transitions, burnout, and other challenges, I’ve received an increasing number of requests for one-on-one coaching and support. So I’ve opened a small number of full-day windows to work with individuals on an as-needed or as-desired basis.

I believe most of us have our own wisest answers within us, AND I know from personal experience that accessing those answers is not always easy on your own — or without a solid process.

Sometimes, even recurring, weekly coaching and therapy sessions just don’t get you where you want to go. Because too often, just when things are getting interesting — DING! — your time is up.

In my experience, one thoughtfully designed, deep-dive VIP-day experience can take you further, faster, with greater rewards — and let you make even better use of your ongoing coaching and therapy sessions from here on out.

If you’re energized by the potential of gaining clarity, illuminating new pathways, and creating a coherent action plan for positive change, click the button below to submit your free application, and if it feels like a good fit, let’s get your VIP Day on the books — before all my available spots fill up!